Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pokemon and potatoes

On Sunday we broke up the duties for sunday dinner, Braedens was to set the table and make it look nice. He thought that Pokemon would be the best for Roast dinner. Anytime we would move one of the pokemon, he would say, " That is supposed to be gaurding moms cup, etc.. What is funny, is in the past, I would have just said, Braeden please take these off the table, we are having a nice dinner. The older I get I think, hey... he set the table-Yeah! On the way to school this morning Braeden holds my hand walking into the school and lets me give him a kiss on the cheek. I see him going down the hall rubbing his hand back and forth to remove any remnant of kiss left. I turn to the lady at the desk, she says- Look at it this way- He is just rubbing it in real good so it wont come off. From now on, rubbing a kiss will take on a whole new meaning.
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Angie said...

I love that! I will try to remember the "rubbing in" forever!

The Bowman Bunch said...

Love it, Allison! And I agree....we can't exactly complain when they have done what we have asked, even though it may not be HOW we have asked.

Lelani said...

AW, sweet. it's true, you know. :-)

Nikki A. said...

So cute!! Whenever Nancy or Jenn kiss my son, they call it a "permanent kiss" so it can't come off, even if he keeps rubbing it. He groans when they say that :D