At sacrament meeting this morning you could see families in jeans and yellow tee shirts with helping hand logos. We have a continual commitment to help other. The calamities came and With our name of our church on our shirt.The lord established a means so people could see that there was helping hands already in place to alleviate the suffering.. The whole meeting was in yellow with the exception of a few. Me being one- I apparently did not get the memo to come to church in jeans and a tee shirt. I felt a
Little uncomfortable about that. I fell out side of the loop . It hurt a little. I have lost myself over the past few days. But I know from experience that losing yourself in service, you find
yourselves.. Brett picked up our shirts and got instructions of where to go serve. He will go cut down trees and heavy lifting. I am a different circumstance with small children. Our work will have to be helping those around our neighborhood however we can. We may feel like that our efforts to help are
insignificant. But the lord and those we serve, know the rue value of our
efforts. My kids do want to serve. This is especially hard for me because I would love to be the one with the chainsaw and hauling large trees. Hard labor makes me happy. I am going to have to think of a way that with
imaginary chain saws I can cut down some of the barriers with friends.. Haul heavy hurt feelings and place them in a pile and just leave them there. How can I make a difference? I had a sad heart at church.. I have been yearning to help- why did I feel as though I did not belong?
I am very
grateful for the service we held, a few ward business and to see what needed to be done. The sacrament came and I was holding on to
braed. I will make him strong and want to serve. and Dev also. President Barrow spoke- I am glad he did, I needed it . He said that many have been without electricity and still are but what we never lost was our POWER. What a strong statement. I do have power. the power to help, power from God. I need to rely on my own strengths and His power. I served 21 people dinner the other night
from my ward who had their power turned on a few hours before. Having the lights come on and seeing for the first time all of the work you have to do, you just don't want to make dinner. I was that way a few days before. This makes me happy. I do have power and I pray it will shine enough for others to see.
Our closing
hymn was Because I have been given much. click
"Because I have been given much, I too must give;
Because of thy great bounty, Lord, each day I live.
I shall divide my gifts from thee, with every brother that I see
who has the need of help from me.
Because I have been sheltered , fed by thy good care
I cannot see
anther's lack and I not share.
My glowing fire, my loaf of bread. My roofs safe shelter overhead.
That he too may be comforted.
Because I have been blessed by thy great love, dear Lord.
I'll share thy love again, according to Thy word.
I shall give love to those in need; I'll show that love by word and deed:
Thus shall my thanks be thanks in deed."
I had a hard time singing since my throat closed with emotion. I was filled with the spirit.
Our ward family and our family worldwide, there is a continual commitment to help others. I was clear- I knew where I needed to serve right away.