Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor day at Holly lake

We had so much fun this weekend. We visited Grams and Gramps at Holly Lake for our holiday. The kids always like to go play a round or two of miniture golf and have slushies in the clubhouse when they come here. We took rides in the golf cart around the lake to look for deer. They have so much fun steering, it makes them feel so grown up. Of course we ate a ton of good food and played games on end. The kids could not stop talking about the bingo game. I think I should look into getting one of those. It was a big hit! We spent Monday on the lake. As I am writing Braeden says"when it bumps around, I like to jump. I go sooo fast!" Both of the boys liked to go as fast as the engine could take them. We also spent some time in the canoe. Ok, I think waverunners is the way to go. They each took their turn rowing and trying to rock the boat. No smooth sailing with boys, it always has to be an adventure! I found out there were muscles I have not used in a long time from waterskiing. I can barely walk today and just brushing my hair hurts. I think a workout is in order. We ended the day with Pizza and we snoozed as soon as we started home in the car. Sorry Brett. We hit the rainstorms from Gustov on our way back to Houston and we were glad to come home to sunny clear skies. Thank you for a great weekend Grams and Gramps!
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