Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to Preschool

"I don't want to go to preschool mom, I have a new teacher and not Miss Susan. "
Mom, "What if I take you to get a donut on the way, would that be ok?"

Yeah, I am a happy boy now!

Still not sure about going in the builing.
Braeden is extremely shy when meeting a new teacher and this time was no exception. His arms were like vice grips around my neck, he was making sure that I stayed with him. I stayed for a few songs and then it was time. The teacher pried him from me and off I went. I stayed around the corner and had someone spy on him for me. " He is standing in the corner", "He is sitting close to the group", "He is in the group but not singing, but still frowning" Ok, I know he is going to be ok. Still, I feel a little sad knowing he is scared. He has the same kids in his class from last year so I know he has ready made good friends. I walked in the building to pick him up and there he was with a smile on his face and could not wait to tell me about the fun day he had with his new teacher. Whew!
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